Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Day of Judgment According to Islam

Yamw al

Islam is one of the biggest and strongest religions in the world today. Regarding the future of Judgment Day, Islam believes that there will be a future judgment on the last days. Since they believe that Allah is God, they also proclaim that Allah will be the Judge, and he will judge every single man and woman in the world.

Islam also believes that people need to do so many requirements in order for them to be able to go to heaven. At the same time they are to be forgiven by Allah on the Day of Judgment. Muslims believe that if people have done enough good deeds while on earth, and have practiced the six pillars when they experience death, they will be accepted by Allah to enjoy life with Him. According to the Muslims believe, those who want to go to heaven, they need to follow the things that the prophet Muhammad did through the book of Hadiths.

On the Day of Judgment, all the dead people will be raised up and will sit before the throne of Allah to be judged no one can deny the Day of Judgment (Sura 83:1-12). When the Judgment Day comes, the book of deeds will be opened where everyone’s good and bad deeds were recorded (Sura 18:49; 81:1-14; 82:) and will be judged according to what they have done on earth. The righteous people will go to heaven (bliss) and the wicked will be thrown into hell (fire). They will have no more chance to repent so as to escape from hell but rather eternity they will for be in hell (Sura 82:13-14).

They also say that everyone’s bad and good deeds will be weighed or balanced by Allah. If the good deeds are more than the bad deeds, they will be automatically going to heaven. And if the bad deeds are more than the good deeds, they will go to hell. Those who are in heaven will have a chance to marry as many wives as he pleases, where as those who are in hell will have no chance to do so.
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